Friday, September 5, 2008


Weellll...good ole school has started up once again! School started on August 20 (which was a wednesday...weird) but i was camping so i missed the first 3 days of my first day was on the 25th but i left early on the following thursday to head down to Valdez! So i got to skip Biology!!! lol This year for my classes im taking World History with Miss Alisa :D, Writing and Grammer with Mr. Sterling, Consumer Math(im homeschooling this subject), Life-Making and Changing Decisions with Mr.Taylor, Choir with Mrs. Weed, Biology with Mr. Donaldson, and Soccer with Mr.Sterling!! So i have a hectic scdeule this year!!

Soccer is going a LOT better then i expected! Our first game was last Tuesday! I was a starting forward! And i had never been a forward before! So i was freakin out when coach said "Kaitlin, left forward!" but after i subed out he said i was doing a great job. But...we lost....but it was because we all got tired!! So this week we really stepped up on the running and today we played against our schools Varsity team! We did GREAT!! Neither team scored any goals so it was a pretty even game! It was kinda funny seeing all them get aggravated at each other cause they werent totally dominating us like they usually do!

We just had our student council elections! Katie Bryan is our class representative!!! WOO HOO!! And our school president is TIM ARMSTRONG!! Finally someone new!!

Go Timmy-bobby-boo!! lol

This year is going pretty well. Im getting along better with alot of my guy friends so thats always fun... Me and Blaine are picking on each other a bunch sooo...yeah! we had little water fight i soaked him then poured out the bottle right before he got it on me! So yeah i won! And Joel keeps on purposely freaking me out by staring at me!!
Im already having to deal with drama!! so like that STINKS!!
But an awesome thing about this year is my best friend Thomas is going to school with us! So its awesome having him around to help keep a smile on my face and be my.."mentor" i guess you coul say :D and tutor! lol

One thing that i really miss is having my big brother come eat lunch with me! Because of his new job he has a different lunch time and he works in North Pole and the school is in Fairbanks :( so thats a major bummer!

Oh and one last thing i wanna mention..............


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